episode seven

Brothers in arms the conclusion.

“Captains log a surprise invasion of a seemingly insignificant colony deep in the heart of federation had taken several surprising turns. The federation fleet has engaged the asana occupation fleet. We have been able to give them a run for there money.”
Uss enterprise
“Sending order for surrender!” yar reported. “Do we send ground trops or do we wait for there response?”worf asked. The captain thought it over.
“Send ground trips to the outskirts. Have them stand by!”the captain ordered.
Outside the capital,ground forces from multiple ships emerged. They began to set up base camps. They followed the captain,s orders and did not engage.
Asana flagship
“We cannot get a hold of the emperor president . under naval law it is up to you!”the first officer told the commander.
“Can we gain the super hand?”the captain asked. “Without the wormhole,reinforcements will be days away. We have detected federation reinforcements. ” the tactical officer reported.
“Order the fleet to stand down. Get me the commander of the federation fleet.” the commander said.
U.s.s enterprise
“I have the commander of the asana fleet!”yar said. “On screen !”Jack said. Yar transferred the message to the Maine view screen.
“I have ordered my fleet to stand down captain. I wish to be able to withdrawal my forces from the planet and return to asana space!”he said.
“Captain you committed an act of war. I am not thrilled with just letting you go on your marry way . “Jack said.
“Do you really want a long drAwn out conflict over sn issue that is resolved?”he asked.
“You struck a world that was no threat to you. You really want to acuse me of being unreasonable?”Jack said.
“If you wish to continue the conflict I can. “The captain said. “I will allow your fleet to leave. Your fleet will leave under escort until you arrive at the border of federation space. Your personnel can leave the planet but the equipment stays. “Jack said.
“This is crazy!”the asana commander declared. “So is attacking and invading a planet you could not hold! Your government stil may face repercussions but that can be discussed at a later date. Willl you agree to my terms or do we resume the battle?”Jack asked.
“Very well! We will agree to your terms!”the commander said. “Good! We now know your people are capable of anything. We will not be ignorant of you captain. “Jack said.
The asana commander seamed annoyed by that last statement. He was hardly in a position to protest.he decided to let it go. The tramison was terminated.
On the surface,Dr.crusher,nurse zerberst and the rest of the medical team got right to work. The asana had been unable to use heavy artillery against the coliny ,they did plenty of damage with hand phasers and rifles.
There was damage to structures and to people. There was evidence of davisation especially in the capital citty.
“I wish I could have done more. I truly do. “Jack said. “You did what you could. Had you nit more of the colony would have died.”he said. “Perhaps but I don’t feel a sense of vistory. “Jack said.
“That will come later. When we rebuild. I a sure you we will. I figure we will be seeing more of you!”Robert said. “I am afraid so. Star fleet will want to take charge of asana technogy. “Jack said. “So much for the tiny colony that time forgot. “Robert said. “I feel bad for that. “Jack said.”we will make it work!”the governor said. “Of course!”Jack said .
“Argyile to captain crusher!”the chief enginer said. “Go ahead chief!”the captain said. “I need to see you right away and the governor. I think I know why the asana came hear. ” the chief said.
Underground chamber
“The device is somewhere fuised into the planet. It cannot be removed at least not yet. “Argyile said. “What it is?”Robert asked. “We don’t know yet. We think that it might scan the time line! It is temperal!”argyile said. “That’s what they want!”Robert said. “It seams they do !””Jack said.
The end.

episode seven

Brothers in arms part six.

U.s.s horatio
Under star fleet poetical,when there are more then one ship involved in a situation,the commander of the largest vessel commands the mission. In the absence of the enterprise,the next in line was the ambassador class vessel horatio. With crusher gone,captain walker keel was in command.
“Captain! Incoming message from the enterprise, they are about to procede. “The tactical officer said. “Ok order the fleet to stand by. It is almost time!”keel said.
Planet coustea
“Sir! The order just came in !”Lois said. “Send the planetwide order. There is no turning back now. “It will be a shamefull matter for the king if these men die badly'”Robert said. “Funy I don’t think I have ever heard you quote Shakespeare. “Lois observed. “It seams to apply.maybe Jean luc rubbed off on me more then I want to admit!”Robert said.
All over the planet,the rebellion began in Ernest. The population of the colony staged massive protest of the occupation. While the protes were non violent,the people involved knew that the response of the occupation force would be anything but.
While the occupation had been benevolent,the comfortable of slavery was still slavery. The asana were erratic.they were unstable. They were whimsical. They were touchy. The most inconsiqencial act of unintentional disrespect could be misinterpreted as an insult and be answered with disporticional retribution. The ovulation had to be dealt with now.
In orbit the enterprise went to  maximum warp. The vessel used the gravity of the secondary Sun to be propelled to the planet. It took percison flying by gordi. While word at one of the science station activated the em pulse data and yar had designed.
The pulse eminated to all corners of the planet. The enterprise then got out of the way. It went to warp. The ship left the orbit of the planet quickly.
Government complex
“There is a massive indirection all over the planet!”the second in command informed Keriek. “I sm declaring a planet wide insurrection…”the leader said. Before the admiral termed emperor and military governor could get out the rest of his order,the room went dark.
Keriek was very angry at this development. “Report!”the admiral demanded. ” excelentcy! The power is off line. I believe it may be planet wide!”a tech reported.
How could this have happened? The admiral was astonished. They had believed they considered every contingent. What they had not factored in there evasions was the creativity of an android lt commander named data.
All over the planet the power was out the rebellion was In full swing. The occupation force was overwhelmed . This was only the beginning.
U.s.s enterprise
“The Planet is almost totally dark Sir. Mr. Data ‘s plan appears to be sucesfull. “Yar reported. “Did you doubt me lt?”data said. “No! Of course not commander!”she replied. 
“Tasha send to fleet command,move in !”Jack ordered.”sending now!”the eastern European female tactical officer responded. She quickly sent the order to the u.s.s horatio.
U.s.s horatio
“We are instructed to go In!”the tactical officer informed the captain. “Order the fleet to move out! The time is now!”keel said.
The ships moved out. The fleet had everything from frigates to ambassador class. The fleet was impressive. So was the asana.
Asana flagship
“Federation fleet is moving out. They are heading on a direct intercept course for us!”the sandor tech reported.
“Break formation. Intercept that fleet!”captain hirjez ordered. The ship broke formation.the asana ship plotted an intercept course of there own. The two fleet headed straight for each other.
The u.s.s renegade got off the first shot. The frigate fired a full volley of photon torpedoes. The torpedoes smashed into the nearest enemy warship. Two warship fired on the renegade. The Thomas pain dodged there fire. The renegade narrowly escaped a fire ball.
The battle was in full force. Both sides engaged the orther. Both sides inflicted heavy casualties on the orther.
A New orlions class vessel was sliced In half by a asana warship. The vessel then exploded. The warship was hit by the hood.
On the planet,the asana could nit use there ground based mistle or there air based vessels or equipment. Using hand phaser and rifles they did just as much damage. They shoot anything that was not asana. They used there weapons at budings.it was not as efficient as bombs or mistles but it worked.
It was not as deadly as it could be. It was deadly enough. As an early 21st century earth professor Seth widgets on observed ,”dead was dead” unfortunately there was plenty of that.
Thanks to chief argyile a dampening field was established. It stoped at least temporarily any more ships coming though via a wormhole.
This was the first battle waged by star fleet since the timed incident in the early days of the 24th century. The federation may be a little rusty but was ready. The federation and enemy forces were just about evenly matched.
The federation had home field advantage. They knew the terrain. This was there home. This was personal.the colony was family. Though many of the crew had no ties to the commonest,none of that mattered.
Several ships had been destroyed. Many more were damaged. The star fleet had taken out several
Of the enemy as well.
“We have to get pass the enemy lines. Order all ship’s to get pass the battle lines. The uss renegade tried to get pass the blockade. The vessel went up and down. The shipping though. Several ships followed though.
The asana fleet was overwhelmed. The enterprise headed to the Planet. Several ships headed to the enterprise. Several scout ships covered them.
“Send to enemy fleet! Order them to surrender!” Jack said. He hoped that the asana would not be fool hardy. There was no way they could hold this world. That did not mean they would just Give it away.this could get berry bloody very fast. The ball was now in the asana’s court. What would there next move be?
To be continued.

episode seven

Jack of all trades part five

“Captains log,it seams that my life is coming full circle. Several years ago I lost a friend and colegue captain Jean luc Picard.back then I spoke to his brother . now once again we are coming face to face. ”
“I am not sure witch part of this mission I am dreading more. Facing the asana fleet or facing colony governor Robert Picard ”
In the cave,Robert headed into the light. Robert looked Jean luc over.they had only met once. Both had left a lasting impression on the orther. ”
Jack looked over Robert.he looked older.it was the same man. “Governor Picard! It has been a long time?” “Jack crusher said. “It has captain. I see you have been promoted. “The governor  observed. “Yes I have”Jack said.
Jack found it very uncomfortable.  He got where he was because of Jean Luc’s death.  When Jean luc Died,Jack was given command of the u.s.s stargazer.   Then after the. Stargazer was lost and presumed destroyed , despite a. Brief sebatical. From. Starship command.,Jack. Became. Prominent on the short list of potential commanders of a galaxy class starship. And eventually captain of the enterprise d.  Jack felt that had Picard lived he would. Probably. On the short list to command the enterprise.
“I wondered if you might be the one to show up. “Robert said. “We don’t take kindly to incursion into our space. We especially do not invasion. This seams like s job for the flagship of the federation. “Jack told him.
“The asana took no chances. They brought a heavily armed fleet. My people were discrete but thorough. “Robert Saud.
An aid gave the captain a pad. He took it. “This information will be very valuable thank you! Jack said.”I assume the fleet is near by! The governor said.
“It is. The plan us this. We want to want to wage a multi prong plan. Our plan is to bounce of the planets secondary Sun and. Cause a momentary emp and create a planet ride power outage. Hear Is the hard part. I need a planet ride revolt. I think you know what this means. I’m asking you a lot. I don’t have an estimate for casualties amoung the civilian population but I expect it to be very high. “Jack said.
Robert thought it over. As governor he was responsible for the health welfare and safety of the colonest. Before today it had been an easy task. Scrapes and brushes and calises we’re the major concern. Now he faces mass casualties.
” once the power is out and the revolt has begun,the fleet will move in. If all things we’re eaquil the federation fleet would easily overwhelm the asana occupation force and retake the planet. The problem is the wormholes .we have no defence yet from them. They could send In more ships!”Jack said.
“Why go to all this trouble? This is a farming colony in a remote region. “Lous said.
“We don’t know. It makes no seance I agree. Once we have secured the planet we Will make sure we get to the bottom of this. I know I am asking a lot. I need your support governor.we cannot hope to accomplish the mission without your help. “Jack said.
“I am a farmer. A vineyard grower. I never wanted to be a politician or sn administrator. I wanted a new challenge. Lois hear convinced me to go along with this crazy scheme. Now I am left with an awfull choice. Virtuel slavery or mass casualties. Most of the colonest have been with the project from it’s very inception. Some were friends of my one I knew sense my chimdhood. Others have become friends really family . sense we arrived I have seen kids become young adults marry and have kids of there own. This is home . we are a family. Now I will watch as citizens colegues friends family die. This is way beyond  everything I can handle. ” Robert said.
“I know that governor. Both these options are bad. I agree. We cannot ignore this. “Jack said.
“I know that captain. You Will have my support and the support of my people! You have sacred task captain. We are pledging everything. If this fails there is no where else for us to go. We are putting everything on the line. Do not let us down. “Robert said.
“I won’t. You have my word. “Jack said. “No offense but I will hold you to it. “Robert said.
After several strategy seasons and other discussions,the crew headed back to the scout craft.
Lous came out. Jean luc told the crew to head on. Jack went over to Lois.
“You will have to forgive Robert. People skills have never been his strong suit. “He said.”it is good to finally meat you ,Jean luc spoke highly of you!”Jack said.
“We got into a lot of trouble growing up. Nothing too serious. I do miss him. He spoke about you. It seemed you took my place out there!”Lous said .
“Jean luc was one if those people you never quite get over. If he were hear he would probably quote Shakespeare. Lois I know my responsibility. I know it is your people that will do most of the dying. I don’t look into that lightly. “Jack said.
“You don’t owe Jean luv anything. He did not consider his sacrifice a debt that had to be repaid. You don’t have to justify your life. I knew him like a brother. He would not ask that of you. You don’t have to cure the tarelien plaugue or negotiate peace between the Klingon and romulons. He would probably kick your but for thinking that way!” Lois said.
“He would. “Jack said. “I know you will come though for us. Not to pay some imaginary debt but because that us who you are. That is the man Jean luc knew you to be. That is the man I am fairly certain you are. “He said .
Jack said his goodbyes. He went back to the craft. He closed the hatch . “lift off Mr. Data !” Jack ordered. The craft left.
Capital city of Mitterrand
Goverment complex
“The federation fleet is Just on the other side. They have amassed everything from syidny class ,Robert,miranda,neba,new Orleans,excelsior and ambassador. “An aid said.
“There have been some odd emissions from the Sun’s. I believe that star fleet may be conducting renonisence missions perhaps even meeting with colony officIal. ” another commander said.
“Jack crusher! He is behind it!”kernel said. “The enterprise Is not involved in the fleet. “Another said. “Jack is hear. It is a destiny to confront each other. One of us will triumph,the other will be dead. “Keriek said.
“We must locate Robert picard and the orther  leaders. We need to have massive crackdown . “captain derex said.
“Not yet. Any crackdown will accelerate action by star fleet. We must be patienct. The battle will acur soon enough!” Keriek said.
“The cabinet and key m.p are insisting you return to asana prime. You are not a. Admiral any more. You are president ,emperor. You must return home!”Derek said.
“No ! I control my own destiny! I will not watch the battle from the home world. I did not seize control of the asana empire to hide in my office. I will lead our people to victory. Tell the cabinet ministers that I will return when the empire is secure. Not before. Remind them that most of them we’re back benches or so far at the bottom of civil service that 80 percent of our population had to die before they were In the line of sucesion. “Keriek said.
Keriek dismissed the advisors And commanders. They quickly left the office. “Why do you risk alienating your ministers and General staf. We need there support. “Jurome his chief of staf said.
“I am the chosen of the jurendra. I need no one but them. None of them are loyal to me or the empire. There loyalties are to the.ages.they would sell me out In a heart beat. They would sell out there families to save themselves. They have no love for me nor I for them. They see me as k see them a means to and end. Nothing more. There will come a time when it will come down to either them or me and I won’t hesitate to dispose of them before they dispose of me.the future does not belong to them. It does not even belong to me. It is the jurendra. “Keriek declared.
“Of course Excellency!” Jerom said.
U.s.s enterprise
“I was beginning to worry!’bill said. “Not to worry number one ,I know what I am doing!”Jack said. “Of course sir. “Bill said .
“The colony is on bored. Mr. Data stand by the e.m. lt. Yar before we deploy it I need to send the message now using the code we agreed apon. “He said. “Understood!” she Said.
Everything is in place sir! ” Bill said. “Adres intercraft!”Jack ordered. “Your on sir!”yar said. “Attention all decks all divisions this is the captain. The mission of star fleet is one of peace and exploration. As a late friend of mine often reminded me star fleet is not a military organization. In s case of attacks we are empowered to defend ourselves and our protecorates. Today we put it all on the line. For the colony below it is everything. We can retreat they cannot . we don’t know how far the asana will go to hold on to the planet. We must assume that they will go scorched earth If they have to. End!”Jack said.
“Chanel closed!”yar reported. “Mr. Laforge take us out. Mr. Data procede!”Jack ordered.
End of

episode seven

Brothers in arms part four

Planet Cousteau
The asana military was everywhere. They had set up checkpoints on nearly everywhere corner. Things were quiet eerily so.
The human colonest were watching. They were taking mantle notes. They were learning all they could about The military deployments. They would act when the time was right.
The governor and his i her circle were in a cave. “We got more information. The citizens are helping imensly.”Lois said.
U.s.s enterprise
“Captains log,the enterprise has randevezed with much of the federation fleet. Manny are some of the best commanders in the fleet. Many are those I know well. ” Jack said in the log.
In The conference room was captain’s of multiple ships. This included captain walker keel of the u.s.s horatio. Also there was captain Robert desoto of issues. Hood. There was captain tails Scot of the renegade. There was captain rix off use Thomas pain and others.
“The asana have already started to fortify the planet. They are getting ready to construct an orbital base. They are multiple regiments of combat and security forces on the planet. We have limited contact with the planet. “Jack said.
“Sence we are all hear,I assume star fleet plans a direct assault?” keel asked. “We can probably take back the planet fairly easily. I suspect they plan to enploy a gurila total war. They will make it as uncomfortable as possible  with a staggering loss of life amoung civilian and star fleet troops. “Captain Scot said.
“Agreed! It will be bloody. Perhaps the bloodiest confrontation the federation has since the Klingon conflicts in the last century. Perhaps far worse. That is why I want to attempt a different tactic first. “Jack said.
The commanders listened intently to the captain who was basically in charge of the fleet. “There is a moon called Tolkien . half of the moon is virtually hidden from sansors. I want to Use the magnetic field of the moon to propel the enterprise to the colony. We can hide inside the secondary Sun wich is no where near as bright as The primary Sun.we can make contact with the planet. We can sabotage there wormholes. Use it to our advantage!” Jack suggested.
“Why the enterprise?”captain rix asked. “Yes why not use one of the scout ships. Surely there is no reason to use the flagship of the fleet and the federation!  “Scot said.
“I want to make to make contact personaly with the governor and the planetary leadership. I want to assure them We have not not will we abandon them. No Czechoslovakia moment.no sudatonland. “Jack said
“I get that you want to send a message to the colonists. You could send me or the horatio. You would stil send a powerfull a message. “Captain desoto said.
“I understand your positions but I make it a point to never send a subordinate to do something I would not do myself. ” Jack said.
“We trust your commitment . Jack I am willing to do this and I know any one of us is!” captain keel said.
“The decision has been made walker. I understand that this is a but unnerving but so is a peacefull colony in the middle of no where deep in the federation being conqured. I am going!”Jack said.
Walker loved Jack like a brother.he had no desire to publicly take him to task or challenge his decision or his authority.walker decided to back off at least in public.
Captain desoto was not as close as keel was but both considered each other friends. In many ways desoto resembled his late friend Picard beyond the fact they were both French.
The meeting went into a briefing. Then after a while the captain ajurned the meeting . the starship commanders got up from the table. They started to disperse.
Walker stayed behind after everyone left. “You think I am making the wrong decision?”Jack asked. “You can fool the brothers Jack but not me. In your mind you failed Jean luc now you can’t fail Robert. Jack you can’t do everything on your own. Your not super man ! “Keel said.
“I could not save Jean luc,maybe I can save Robert and his family and the other colonest,”Jack said. “You don’t owe Jean luc anything . you don’t have to justify your continued existence. You did not sin by serving or having more kids. If he was hear he would smack you and tell you to smarten up. Jean luc wanted you to servive.he did nit consider his sacrifice a veign or empty one . you hournor his life and his sacrifice for living. “Keel said. “I know what I am doing walker. ” Jack said. “I hope for all our sakes you are. ” keel said.
The captain of the ambassador class vessel left the conference room. Jack stared out of the window . he tried to make sence of all of it.
“Chief you don’t look happy!”Jack said.”that is an under statement sir. This is a crazy scheme. It is pushing the ship way beyond the safety limits. It is a bad idea. “Argyile said.
“Can you make it work?” he asked. “I beleve I can but I got a say I really don’t like it!” chief argyile said .”I  understand. I will note your objections in my log. “Jack said.
“All decks are standing by!”bill said “very good!”Jack said .Commander rycer had little to say. Jack suspected that he had objections to it. Jack felt like this was an acceptable risk.
“Mr. Data Mr laforge let’s do it!”Jack ordered. The enterprise went to the moon. The ship bounced off the moon. The ship was pushed to a high speed. The ship landed near the minor Sun.”we have arrived at the destination “data reported.
“Lt. Yar prepare a security team but small compliment.”he ordered. “Aye sir!”she said. “We will ware civilian clothing. We will use the captains yaught.Bill you have the ship. “Jack said.
“May I speak to you in private?”Bill asked. “Of course !”he said. They went to a corner. “Sir you should not be going to the surface during basically a time of war. “Bill said. “It is critical I go. The planet must know we have not abandoned them.”he told him.
  “I could send that message just as pottently as you could!”Bill said.”perhaps but I am going to any where.” Jack said. “If you die ,I am putting you on report. “He said.”very well!”Jack said.
“The treaty of algeron bars the federation from building there own cloaking device. I can mask our signature.it won’t be fool proof but I beleve it can work. “Data said.”we Will make it work commander. “Jack said.
The two entered the private bay where the scout ship was bearfed. The two entered the craft. The ship launched.
The ship was able to land. The ship landed in a secluded area. Every colony had designated shelter areas. Data had it on file. They proceeded to the caves.
They encountered several of the governors body guards.” “who are you why are you hear?”the guard asked.
“I am from star fleet. I am looking for Robert Picard!”Jack said. A man came out of the shadows.”it has been a long time commander crusher. Excuse me captain. “Robert said.
He was older but it was the man he remembered. It was not easy to see him again. He had to keep his composure. They needed to work together.
End of part four.
Captain walker keel appeared in the tang episode “conspiracy” he was played by Jonathan farewell. Captain rix and Scot also appeared in that episode.
Captian desoto was mentioned in multiple episodes but only appeared in season three episode “tinman” he was played by Michael Cavanaugh.

episode seven

“Brothers in arms ” part two

Command post
“The perimeter alert is going off!”a tech said. “Can you identify what it it?”the commander asked. The tech worked on the identifying the alert.
In orbit,the wormhole oppened. Several ships large to smal excited the wormhole.
“Sir! It is a wormhole!”the tech reported. “Send a distress call all channels. Send a code w!”the commander ordered.
“I have identified the vessels. They are asana !”a second tech announced. “Inform the governor !”the commander said.
Asana flagship
“Begin targeting setilites and orbital devices!”admiral kernel ordered. The asana vessels opened fire on all setilites and orther devices in space. The asana was able to easily eliminate the setilites and other devices. The asana was able to take control of the stars with little challenge. 
Home of Robert and Marie Picard.
The colony was stil in the development phase. There was no official governor’s mension. The picards lived at a vineyard he personally owned. Picard hoped to avoid establishing an extensive bureaucracy.
“Sir! The asana has begun an attack above our space! We have confirmed it Is the asana!”Lois said. “Have we sent a multi planetary distress call?”Robert asked. “Yes we have. We sent it on as many chanels as we could think off!” “alexi an aid said.
“I want a planetary alert! I want a full planetary sate of emugentcy. I want to deploy our police forces for defense purposes only!”Robert ordered.
The planet was mostly an agriculture colony. The planet was not in a disputed area.it was in the heart of the federation. There was no orbital base. The colony had no military only a police force.
The governor advised everyone to stay in there homes. The governor did not have the resources to deploy patrols to every college and communities.
The governor and his staff knew that the planet was a sitting duck.the only hope was the intervention of star fleet. Could they arrive in time?
The asana ships then focus on ground defences .the planet was only lightly defended. The asana hit the few command and control centers the planet had.
“Ready to send ground trips!”the first officer reported. “Do it!”keriek ordered.
All over the planet,the asana marines emerged . they quickly worked to secure the capital .
U s.s enterprise
Captain crushed and her family was having a picnic in the holowdeck. They had recreated his family home in Illinois.
Dr. Crusher  was feeding the baby. Jack was throwing the football with his sons and daughter. Leslie often felt outnumbered having two brothers. Now she had a sister but
Right now she was stil a baby. She was both a tome boy and girlie at the same time.
Bevily knew that Wesley was going to go into star fleet probably as a command or starship operations officer. Now it steamed that Leslie would go into star fleet as well in command or operations. Her orther son was four and Hannah was a baby so maybe they would not peruse such a dangerous occupation.
Wesly in many ways was her kid. He wanted to follow in jack’s footsteps. His first toy was a model of a federation constilation class starship. He reverse enginered an old com badge when he was six. Leslie and Wesley made a bridge scene in the living room. Bev knew she was out numbered. She would say to Jack,”Tom abd Hannah are going to be doctors !”
Bevily looked over her family. She realized she had everything she wanted. Her parents died when she was young. She was raised by her grandmother. Her first love was a boy maimed stefen who never knew she excited.she dreamed if having a husband, children. Odd the love of her life was a star ship captain. She married James t Kirk and it worked.
There was always the fear that Jack would eventually use up his nine lives he steamed to have. On earth in 1960,movies were made depicting British spy James bond . they kept replacing him with new actors. Even after the post atomic hotter.bond appeared in some form. In the real world you can’t just replace someone . she feared his time would run out. Mayby some day he would become an admiral or an ambassadors. Would he and then what if Wes and Leslie followed in his footsteps?
“Bridge to captain Crusher!”commander Rucker said over the intercom. The captain tapped his com badge. “Go ahead Bill ! “Jack said. “Your needed on the bridge. Prority one ! Rycer informed him. “I will be right up! “He told him.
“I know duty calls!”she said. He kissed her and then left. Jack then headed out of the hollow deck. She always feared one of these days he would never come back.
“Captain on the bridge!”yar said “what do we have ?”Jack asked. “The planet Cousteau us under attack. It Is the asana !”rycer asked. “Cousteu is deep in federation space! There have been several false alarms by tech with itchy fingers. Are you sure this is real ?”Jack asked.
“We lost all contact with the planet. Before they we got visual contact. It was an asana task force. “Tar said. “The ship in command is the vessel that has been commanded by kernel believed to be the da fecto head of sate for the asana . “worf. Said.
“Cousteu is a fairly insignificant planet. It is remote and not in a strategic area or a major trade route. “Deans said. ”
“I assumed they used a now famous worm hole ,”Jack asked .”they did!”yar informed him. “Why is kernel for all intense and porpoises There president attacking an unimportant world?”Deana asked.
“Do we have orders from Starfleet?”Jack said .”despite it’s  remote location it is in federation space. It loss woukd give an agresive race a foothold in our territory. We are to head for the planet Gaul to meet up with the rest of the fleet. They want to lunch a counter offensive as soon as posible”yar said . “something is up ! They have something up there sleeve!”gordi commented.
“It smells of an ambush Mr. Laforge I agree. We can’t let them occupy any federation world.we have to answr what is an act of war. “Jack said. “Of course!”gordi said.
“Alright gordi set course for the Gaul system. Maximum warp. “Jack ordered. The blind helm officer plotted the course. “Course plotted and engaged sir!”the amiable Jr officer reported.
“Ok I want batle drills ! I want simulated ship battle as well as mock boarding and ground combat.” Jack ordered. “I will make it happen !”the first officer said .
Jack was concerned. He did not like it. He was certain that gordi’s asestment was mostlikly correct. They had to act.
“Mr. Data what do you know about this planet?”Jack asked. “The colony was started by a group based on earth. They used teraforming and traditional methods. It is mostly an agricultural colony but there is some research as well. The colony has a colonial legislature and a governor. The current governor is Robert Picard formerly of Lavare  France on earth. His brother was a star fleet officer!”data said.
Jack froze. The memories of his old friend came flooding back. He saw his friend on the bridge.then he saw the fateful away mission. Then meeting Robert. Then he saw the dream. He saw himself under the sheet.
“Are you ok captain?”Deana asked.”yes of course!”he answered.Deana was not totally sure that he was ok. She decided not to press the issue. At least not now.
The enterprise mantaned warp .the ship headed for the planet under attack.time was of the essence.  Time was running out.
End of part two.

episode seven

“Brothers in arms”

Previously on star trek the chronicles of Jack crusher.
While on an away mission,then lt.commander Jack crusher’s best friend captain Jean luc Picard is killed. Jack is given command of the stargazer.
At the visitation of the body,Jack meets Robert the brother of Picard. Robert tells how the two had been estranged. Jack gives his condolces.
Uss enterprise mission to farpoint is interrupted . the asana begging an attack on the federation.
An asana admiral who dissapered returns. The admiral has seized control of the asana empire.
The universe sealed to have been created as a q experiment. Several entities with the ability to discern temporal abnormalities object to the existence of Jack. Q has for the time being convinced them to not harm Jack. F
And now tonight’s episode.
U.s.s enterprise D
Qurters of Jack crusher
He had the same dream ever sense the creature had tried to envelop him.it was the event that changed his life in ways he could never quite understand. One that shock him if he knew. 
He was back on the away team. He saw his best friend and commanding officer taking a phaser blast ment on him. Jack ran over to him.
Then the scene flashed ahead to the morgue. Bevily had agreed to come with him to meet the brother of Jean luc.
Jean luc  had spoken about his brother Robert frequently. He knew they not see eye to eye on many things. Robert cared more about the family vineyard. Jean luc had been the only one In his family who had looked to the stars.
Jean luc had been the family favorite. He broke every rule his farther had made and got away with it. Then he broke his parents heart by going to star fleet. It steamed his relationships with his family.
Jack and heavily met up with Robert outside the morgue. “It was good of you to come!”Robert said. “It was the least we could do!”Jack crusher said .he had visible wounds.
They went to the vault. The body was retracted . “It should have been you Jack! You should be dead not him!”Robert declared. The blanket was removed. It was revealed to be him. Then he woke up.
“Jack! .you ok? “Bevily asked. “Yea! Bad dream!” he said. “You have been having a lot of those lately. “Bev said . “I know!”he said. ” you ok Jack?”she asked. “I’m fine bev. ” he said.
He started to get out of bed. “Where are you going?”she asked. “I am going to roam the ship for a bit. Tire myself out!”Jack told her. “Oh ok. “She said.
He kissed her. He then left the quarters. She went back to bed. He went though the hallways. There was little activty right then. Tecknically there was no night of day in space. Most federation starship ran on a 24 Hour day. If you were on day watch you got up when the cronomitor said it was morning and slept when it said it was night.
This reminded him of an event from his past. “Roming the halls at this time a night Jack?”Jean luc Picard said. “I could say the same about you?”Jack said. “True. I still can’t believe this is my ship. It may not be an excelsior or ambassador but I like it. “Jean luc said.
“You think I will ever command a starship?”Jack asked. “Tired of being my understudy Jack. In all seriousness I know you will. You will be a good one!”Picard told him.
  Jack got so lost in thought that he almost ran into lt. Worf. “Sorry Mr. Worf I did not see you there. “The captain said.
“It is quite alright sir!”Worf said. “I am usually not up at this time a night.”Jack said. “I did not think so.”Worf said. “I have a lot on my mind ” Jack said.
“You have seemed restless ever sense the gravity well tried to envelop you!”Worf said. “You noticed.it was probably petty noticible. “Jack said. “A little bit!”Worf said.
“14 years ago my commanding officer and close friend died saving my life. Ever sence then I have felt that I was on borrowed time. I can’t shake it!”Jack said.
“You were given an incredible gift by your former commanding officer. It is your duty to live to the fullest!”Worf said.
“I have tried. Odd I have thought what if I had not lived. I would not have two daughters and a son. I would not have commanded this ship. Funny I bet Picard would command the ship. “He said.
“Despite what could have happened. The most importent is what did happen. You are where you need to be. ” Worf said. Jack hoped that that was true.
Planet Cousteau
The planet was a New colony started a few years earlier .the colony was part of a project ten years in the making. The planet was a collaborative effort betweehn private group’s and teraform command.
Four years ago the actual community was started. People began to move in and start a life. The population included young families just starting out. It also included young adventures. There were middle aged and retires. There were humans and aliens. So far it had been a success.
The capital city was the crowning achievement. In the town square the governor looked over the town. He stil could not believe he was hear. He never thought he would leave France or earth. He was not an adventuer.
Hear he was. After the death of his brother his focus changed. He was different . he had been a committed belchor. He met Marie. They got married and had a son.
The colony was the brain child of a child friend of her brother. Lois talked about nothing but the project. Robert and Lois has never been close. After the death if Jean luc,he was his only link to Jean. Lois was the concept guy but did not have the practical fall though.that was where Robert came in.
Robert did not want to be governor but everyone wanted him to do the job. Finaly he took the job. The planet was in the heart of the federation and not considered in trouble.
Asana ship
“We are in position !” the helm officer reported. “Excellent! Procede!” keriek ordered.
The door way opened, several ships entered the worm hole. The wormhole led the ships just outside the planet Cousteau.
End of part one.
There had not been a lot of details on the death of Jack crusher. It was on an away mission led by Picard. The Information we do have is from Wesley in encounter at farpoint. The other is a dream sequence perpetrated by a telepathic alien trying to steal memories. The flashback is not particularly realuble. I have tried to peace to gather the flashback using those sources.
Robert and his wife and son appeared in “family” Robert was played by Jeremy Kemp.
I did not have a name for this so I called it the Jack crusher chronicles. It is paying homage to terminator the Sarah corner chronicles. There is definate similarities beyond just the title.
