episode 8

Mystery ship part seven

“Captians log,the enterprise has gone back in time in an alternate universe. Our mission is to alter history. We want to stop a series of events that could potentially wipe out much of what some call the multiverse. ”
“I can confirm that we have traveled back a few days. We are near the time that the explosion accrued. “The Klingon aft station commented.
“Locate the argonaught!”the captain ordered. Worf adjusted the sansors. He located the ship. “I have it. Sending to the helm now!”worf announced.
“I have the coordinates sir!” gordi said. “Head for the vessel!”Jack ordered. Gordi set the course. “Course plotted and engaged!”the pilot reported. Th enterprise headed for the ship.
” on course for the lightning ship”!the tech said .”alright lets get this over with !”the captain said. “Sir we have incoming !”the tech said.”is it the lightning?”argyile asked. “Negitive, it is a federation starship”the tech said.
“There were to be no federation starship in the area. “Argyile declared. “Sir! It is not a vessel I recognize. Its call letters are ncc 1701-d. Uss enterprise.”the science tech said.
“Hail that vessel!”Captain argyile said. “Hailing captain “the com tech said.The com tech activated the com unit. “They are responding !” the tech said. “On screen ” captain argyile said.
The view screen was activated. He saw the bridge of the gigantic command center. Then the captain was shocked by what he saw. It was one of the ones next to him. It was him.
“Hello !”the prime argyile said. “What is this?”captain argyile asked in a disbelieving tone. ” this ship is from another reality. We came hear to warn you of an impending attack. At the same time we ask you to not engage the lightning . “the chief said.
” you. Claim to be from an alternative universe. Now you urge us to not engage an enemy who is determined to destroy US !”the captain,argyile said.
“I know this seams preposterous but if you engage there ship,it willl bring about a series of events that will culminate into the destruction of a good part of the galaxy as well!”the enginer argyile said.
“Why should I believe this! Lets me gues your from the future as well!” the captain argyile said. Jack nodes to ensign banner. Bennet activated the transporter.
A peace of the arganaught was beamed to there bridge. “This is some kind of deception !”captain argyile declared.
“I assure you that this is not a deception captain!”Jack said. “Why should I believe you?”he asked. “Have it scanned captain. Have your people go over it. Go over it yourself. You will see that it is true. ” chief argyile told him.
” what is it you want?”the captain,argyile said. “You will engage a lightning super ship. It will destroy itself. It will destroy most of the alpha quadrant in your reality. We believe it could threaten ours. ” Jack said.
“We cannot stand by while they attack us!”argyile said. “Captain I have an idea. I believe it can work. We need to cooperate. The fate of two universes hang in the balence!”Jack said.
“Very well ! I want to know every detail of this plan. I want to know everything. Leave nothing out !”the Captain of the arganaught said.
“Off course. We will share every thing with you. “Jack crusher assured his counterpart. “Alright. “The other captain said.
The lightning ship came out of warp. “Now on course for that ship.”gordi Laforge reported. “Ok Deana! Its your turn up to bat!”Jack informed Deana. “Ok I’m ready!”she said. “Go to work counselor!” captain crusher ordered her. She agreed.
Deana concentrated. She closed her eye. She imagined herself in a white room. She listened. “I come in peace. I am an ambassador. An envoy. “She said.
“You speak for argyile!” a voice said.”I speak for the United federation of planets. I speak for my captain. “She said.
“The shadow man. The man  who should not ge but is. “The voice said. “I cannot speak to that. We are from a different reality. Your actions will adversary affect ours!” Deana said.
“Coleteral damage !casualties of war!”the Vince said. “Why? Why are you at war with the arganaught? ” Deana asked.
“The ships caused an arms race. This arms race threaten US. Enemy races to US were among those experimenting with arganaught inspired technology. Smal ships using smaller crew are the future. Thus solves the power aculization curve. This alows more violence. We must act. “The voice said.
“Your solution a scorched universe?”she asked. “It will rebuild!”the voice said. “How long. It will take centuries perhaps longer to rejuvenate the reigon!” Deana said. “No choice!”the voice declared.
“Why are you adamant in fighting this?”Deana asked. “There is a component harmful to our race. The ships are multiplying!”the voice said.
“This is not the answer! There has to be another way!”Deana insisted. “Humans stubborn ! You do not like being told what to do! Humans tend to ‘double down’. We cannot take that risk!”the voice declared.
“Perhaps something can be worked out!”Deana said. “No! Canot waste time! No time! Too critical!”the voice said.
Deana woke up from the trance. “I spoke to them! They are very incistent. They do not trust this reality’s star fleet especially your douple ganger. “Deana said
“I got the impression that ‘captain ‘ argyile is. Not quite as charming as I am!”the chief said. “It appears so!”Jack said.
“What do we do?” Bill asked. Jack got up from the command chair. “Intercept! Time for plan b. “Jack said. “On course!”gordi reported.
The enterprise went to high warp. The vessel headed for the lightning dreadnaught.
The enterprise neared the ship.”now worf”Jack said. The Klingon presed the button. The ship emitted an energy pulse. The pulse started to jam key systems in the dreadnaught.
“It is having an affect captain!”ensign bannet reported. Deana fell back into a trance. She figured that the aliens were trying to trying to reopen communications.
“Not  war with enterprise! Why did you attack us with that pulse?”the voice asked. “They are our people. Your threatening them threatens us all. There has to be another way!” Deana said .
“Argyile created a monster. That monster must be. Neutralized. “The voice said. “Even if the federation agreed to stop using the arganaught class vessel,would others. It might not solve anything. “Deana said.
The voice became a humanoid figure .”you promish us nothing! Yet you want US to do much. “The humanoid said.”I have an idea!”Deana said.
Confrence room
“You can’t be serious!” captain argyile said. “There is no other choice chief excuse me Captain!”commander troy said. “I have worked on this s good portion of my adult life. This made me who I am in many ways. Now your asking me to abandon it. “Captain argyile said.
“You know this is the only way. You know you have to do this. “The enterprise’s argyile said. “Yes I do . if we do this will these aliens back off?”captain argyile asked. “Yes I believe they will. I since no deceat in him. “She informed the captain.
” alright! I will do it!” argyile said. “We can go back in time with you !”Jack said. “No that will not be necessary! I can handle this .I will get it done !” the captain said. “Can you convince your younger self to change course? We argyile are stubborn!”the chief said. “True. You convinced me. “The captain said.
“Captains log,the Captain of the arganaught sucesfully convinced his younger self to not present the arganaught idea to star fleet command. The bleak future has been prevented. “Jack said.
Planet Cousteau
Our universe.
“We have dramatically changed history. This is proven. “Jack told argyile. ” you think we altered history or altered an alteration?”argyile asked. “I have wondered that myself. I don’t know. I will keep watching. “Jack said
Next up.
The crew face off against a warship commanded by a mysterious women named Guinean.

episode 8

Mystery ship part six.

“Captain’s log, the enterprise discovered dibre that appeared to be a federation ship. The ship turned out to be from another reality. This led to a confrontation to an alien ship. Now we are in another reality”
“Captian originally we suspected that the debre from the explosion was fixed. Upon deeper scrutiny we have concluded that the wake is expanding. It is at a slow rate but it has gotten wider and wider. “Data reported.
“Do you believe that this will continue ?”Jack asked. “I do ! “Worf announced. “If it continues at the current rate it will envelop the alpha qudrent within filthy earth years.”data said .
“Will the same thing occur in our universe?”bill asked.”I cant give you a definitive answer but I am prety sure the answer is yes!”data said.
“Is this preeminent?”Bill asked .”we have no way to know but I suspect the answer is yes. At least for quite some time. It is probably like any other deluge! There are always as humans call them scars!”data reported.
“Can you find an area not under the curse of the Gray field?”Jack asked. “The closest is the Pendleton sector. !”Worf announced.
“In our reality that is home to star base 345. Hopefully it is in there space as well.
Plot a course helm!”Jack ordered. “Aye sir!”gordi responded.the enterprise went to warp.
Star base 345
Control center
“At least three star syistoms have become a waste land. ” the tech announced. “We have lost so Manny ships. “Commander qunceros said. “We have incoming. It has a star fleet warp signniture however it is not any vessel we have on fille. “A com tech said.
“Do you have a visual?”the commander asked. “Yes I do!”the tech said. “Lets see it!”qinceros ordered.
On the screen,the image of a gigantic starship was displayed. “That is like no other ship we have in the fleet. “Qunceros reported.
“The ships call letters is issued enterprise ncc 1701-d. “The science tech said. ” enterprise? The enterprise name was retired after the destruction of the enterprise b. .there will never  be another enterprise!”Qunceros commented.
“We are being hailed. “The tech said .”on screen !” the commander said. The screen was activated. On the screen was displayed the image Of the enterprise bridge.
“This is captain Jack crusher of the starship enterprise!”Jack said. “That is not possible. Jack crusher died 15 years ago.”Qunceros said.
“Orphil we are from a parallel realty. The deviation that has transformed part of your galaxy into a waste land has had effects on ours as well.”Jack said.
“Why should we trust you captain. Parts of the universe are gone. Why should we just accept your story ar face value?” the second in command asked. ”
“We are both Starfleet officers. We both took an outh to defend the federation and to be loyal to it. I take it very serious!”Jack said.
Argyile stepped out of the shadows.”come on Orphil. We need to help each other! We can’t do this alone!”Argyile said.
“You commanded the argonaught. The ship is missing, assumed destroyed “Qunceros said.”the arganought was destroyed. I saw the dibre. In my reality I was a chief engineer. I naver became a starship captain. ” Argyile said.
“This is hard to believe.”the commander said.” “I understand. We need your help. We have to work together. “Jack said.
The commander found all this hard to take. “Is any of this possible ?”the commander asked. “Theoreticaly yes. It is possible but quite improbable!”the tech said.
“Orphil I know this is all very hard to take in but we don’t have a lot of time. “The chief engineering officer said.
The starbase commander considered his next move. “Captain you May come down. We will fully cooperate. “The commander said. “Thank you commander. We will be right down!”he said. “Please bring commander argyile with you. “The station commander said.
Operations center.
Star base 381
The captain,first officer and the chief enginer emerged inside the command center. “Hello big!”qinqeros said. “It is good to see you Orphil. I gues we are friends In the other reality as well !” the commander said “I don’t know about that!”he said in a jovial manner. The commander laughed.
“I have looked over the research you sent US. It does seam that the expense is expanding and will continue to expand!”the tech said.
“It destroys everything it touches?”the station commander asked. “Yes it does. As it expands it will destroy what it comes into contact with. It renders the area inert. ” the engineering officer said.
“Do we have options?”Jack asked.”I believe the first law of thermodynamics would suggest there is not however we could Break down it’s chemical component into a smaller form. “Data said.
“It is possible. We cannot totally stop the spread of this but we might be able to leson the affects. “The tech commented.
Jack got to thinking . he stepped back a bit. “There may be another option!”Jack declared. “What is that?” the commander said in a confused tone.
“I need to go to planet m145. “Jack said. “That is nothing on planet m 145!”a tech said. “That may not be true . in our reality there is a device that scans the time line and creates a psych profile of universe along with possible predictions. “Jack said.
“You want to Chase mythology?”the tech asked.”in our universe it exist. That is a fact. I believe there is a good chance it exist hear. It can be a help. ” Jack said.
Argyile suspected that Jack was two steps ahead of everyone else.he  knew he already had a plan. He suspected that he knew what his plan was. He suspected that it might work.
Planet m144
A.k.a planet Cousteau
In this reality,there was no colony. The enterprise entered and asummed a standard orbit.
Planet Cousteau
“Sure enough it is hear!”argyile declared. “You doubted me chief?” Jack asked. The chief laughed. “Mr. Data!”Jack ordered. The android went to the device and implemented several commands. The device activated and scanned the time line.
Images were seen. The star fleet engineering division headquarters. Then the me eating between various engineers and top brass. Then argyile working on the Argonauts class starship. Then the lunching of the vessel. Then other vessel of that class. Then smaller vessels with a similar philosophy were launched. Then there was the arms race. Thent the aliens nicknamed the lightning.
Then the device factored in Jack’s idea. It created a prediction of what could happen.
It showed images of the spreading Gray mass.  Planets starships. Also shown was various alien races trying to implore military solutions. The military solution only made things worse. Then images of the federation being disoved. The old member worlds trying to solve the crises on there own.
Then serious wars. Then the gray mass stopping. Not before enveloping most of the alpha quadrant. Then wars between refugees and races who don’t want them in there space. Then on ads becoming raiders and pirates. After a while Jack stoped it.
“I think I have seen enough!”Jack said. ” this varifies what we have feared. ” the chief said .
“Mr. Data I have another set of  calculations I want you to input!”Jack instructed him. “Of course sir!”the android said.
U.s.s enterprise
“Time travel ?”Bill asked. “Yes the only answer is to stop this before it started. This time line will spiral out of control. “Jack said.
“Why erase this time line?”yar asked. “The events won’t be contained in one reality. It will spread to our reality and probably to others as well!” Jack said.
“What would our objective be Jack?”Dr.  Crushed asked. “Stop the destruction of that ship. Stop the hostile ship from exploding !” Jack said.
“That is a tall order! ” gordi said. “Yes it will lt. We have no other choice. It might not work. It Will spread out if control. We don’t need the Cousteau device to tell us that. We already can figure out where this will go. ” Jack said.
“I think your right. I think it is a long shot but it could work!”the chief said. “Ok Mr. Data set the ship for time warp. Lets secure the future by saving the past. ” Jack ordered.
“Captains log we are preparing the ship to go back in time. Our gaol is to stop the destruction of the alien dreafnaught and hopefully stop the creation of the spacial wasteland. “He said.
“Time warp computation complete. Ready at your command!”data announced. “Very good. Mr. Laforge make it happen !”Jack ordered.
The enterprise warped into the Sun. Then it went backwards .it went to the past.
End of part six

episode 8

Mystery ship part five

Alternative universe
U.s.s arganaught
“We have an incoming ship. It is the lightning ship. It appears to ‘ve a super warship. It is bigger then anything that we have encountered before. ” tactical officer Ramos reported.
“Stand by all weapons. Hear We go again!” the engineering officer argyile ordered. The weapons were activated and the shields were up.
“Sir I am detecting a high amount of energy coming from the dread naught.”rooms reported.
“Veer off veer off!”he ordered.before the ship could get away. The ships exploded. The vest explosive wake spread to the thought.
The explosion tore the space time continuum.the remains were propelled into another dimension. The one where Jack crasher commands the enterprise.
“Are you sure that it is Mr. Argyile that they are afraid of?”bill asked.”yes I see his image in my mind. It is in there mind. They want me to see it. They see him as a threat. “Deana told him.
“It would make sense if he was the commander of the argonaught. “Daa commented. “How do they know he is hear?”the doctor asked.”they may have a stronger telepathic abilities then Vulcan or even bettazoid. Perhaps they can sense certain people. There is much about telepathy we do not understand!”data remarked.
“Will they try to kill him ?”goes I asked. “It is a distinct possibility!”data said “we should take extra precaution !”Jack said .
“I will make the arrangements. “Yar said.
“Can you communicate with the crew of that ship?”Jack asked. ” not directly. It seams that communication is one way. I am trying. Perhaps there is a way that I can get though to them. “She told them.
“I assume that they will attack once we are in weapons s range. “Bill said.”a responsible hypothosis commander!”data said. “I want to be ready!”Jack ordered.
Ready room.
“So the aliens have a special dislike for me?”the engineering officer asked. “It Seams so chief! It may be as simple as they see you as a leader. They hold a grudge!”Jack said.
“I still can’t see myself as a starship commander. That is not me. I have never wanted to be anything but a chief engineer. “The chief said.
“I figured that. Mayby you wanted to command your baby. This is your ship.from drawing bored to shake down. ” Jack said. Argyile laughed. “I gues I could see that. I get a little protective I guess. “The chief said.
Jack laughed. “That Is understanible chief!” the captain told his department head.
” the vessel is nearing weapons range!”worf reported. “Hail the vessels again.”Jack ordered.”aye sir!”yar responded.
The eastern European descent who was born on a failed human colony sent the message. The message was a modified version of standard greeting. She doubted that the attempt would work. They had to try.
“No response! “Yar said. “They are sending me images of the chief. I thunk that they are trying to conveigh that they will not talk to us while the chief is in a posistionof prominence! “Deana said.
“Or as long as I live ?”argyile said.”I am prety sure that’s that’s true. I did not want to word it quite that way. Yes I think so sorry chief!”Deana said. “This guy really holds a grudge!”the chief said.”seams so!”Bill said.
“We are now in weapons range! They are charging weapons!”yar reported. “Shields up! Brace for impact!”Bill said. The warship opened fire on the enterprise. The Ray struck the vessel. The enterprise was nudged back wards a slight direction. The ship stoped.
“Shields holding!” the Klingon at an aft station reported. “Return fire!”Jack ordered. The female officer at tactical presed the fire button. A series of photon torpedoes were unleashed. The projectiles hit the warship. Various section of the ship was hit.
“There anger is directed at the chief. Everything that we do is blamed on the chief. There is quite a lot of hostility. It is all aimed at Mr. Argyile. “She said.
The two sides exchanged weapons. While data studied the ship. Data tried to find an advantage over the vessel.
Argyile studied the ship from his station. He saw something. He did some checking. He then went to data to check his idea.
There conversation went on as the battle did as well. Both sides continued to occur. “Captain we have an idea!”data said. “Lets hear it!” Jack said.
The captain liked the idea. It was risky but the captain knew that the battle had to be won. The enterprise and warship traded schots . while argyile and data put the finishing touches on the plan.
The enterprise emitted a pulse using the main deflector dish. The pulse looked like a large funnel. The pulse hit the warship.
The pulse hit the warship. The enterprise fired with phaser and photon torpedoes. The weapons hit the ship.
The alien ship was wounded. There shields were down . key syistoms had been crippled.
“Hail the ship. Mayby now they are wiling to talk!” Jack said. “Opening hailing frequency!”yar reported. She sent the message. “No response!”yar said.
“Captain I am detecting a massive energy reading.it is coming from the ship!”worf announced.
“Move us away!”Jack ordered. The enterprise tried to get away from the ship. The large vessel had rigged self destruct. The vessel exploded.
The explosion headed right for the enterprise. The wake struck the galaxy class vessel. The vessel was pushed back.
Gordi and obrian worked the helm. The vessel was swept into some kind of vortex. Gordi took the ship to a full stop. “We are not at full stop!”chief obrian said.
“Sir we are no longer in our universe!we have crosed over into a parallel universe!”data reported.
On the screen was deviation. The evidence of the detonation . Silver clouds replaced the blackness of space that is usually seen. There was nothing but devisation for light years.
“The last words of the alien commander was vegience forever. “Deana said .”all this rage against me! I know I am not everyone cup of tea but what is this about?” argyile said.
“We have quite a mystery on our hands. One we need to solve quickly. “Jack said.
End of part five

episode 8

Mystery ship part 4

The away team began to start leaving the planet. They started to move equipment back to the enterprise. While several peaces of the ship was brought to the ship.
“What is it?”lt. Romos asked a younger security officer. He looked at the tricorder reedings. “I am picking up energy readings. It is coming this way.”Youngblood said.
The two walked deeper into the forest. The reading intensified. The two got closer to the reading. “It is the black box!” the younger officer reported.
U.s.s enterprise
“Captain! They recovered the black box!”yar reported.”Mr. Data I want you to go over it with a fine tooth comb! I want answers!”Jack told the android.
Data was confused. “Sir? Do you really want me to use a comb to examine the flight recorder?”data asked.
This was a very serious somber time on the enterprise. Despite that lt. Gordi laforge found it hard to resist the urge to laugh.
“I was speaking figuratively commander. I ment that I want you to be thourough. This is very important!”the captain informed the android.
” oh ok I see. I will endeavor to be accurate and intricate sir!”data said.”please do !” the captain admonished him. The commander agreed.
“Captains log the remaining members of the away teams have returned.the enterprise is preparing to leave orbit . we are going to head for what we believe may have brought the mysterious ship hear.”
“All decks standing by!”worf reported. “Mr. Laforge take us out of orbit. ” the captain ordered. The blind officer who saw though the use of a device called a visor plotted the course that took the large starship back to open space.
“We are now in open space. ” gordi reported. ” set course for the source of the disturbance! “Jack ordered. The helm protest the course.the enterprise went to warp. The ship was off.
“Now on course!” chief obtain who was meaning the ops station said.the captain wanted this mystery solved. He figured that the investigation would go in a hundred different directions.
Mr. Data was able to access the flight data recorder. The device Was designed to withstand almost anything. It was set to automatically eject in an emergency or imminent disaster. Data activated the recorder.
Paralel universe
A few days earlier
U.s.s argonaught
” vessel destroyed. “The computer voice announced. “Pilot get us out of hear. Just in case they have friends nearby!”captain argyile said.
The smal but powerfull vessel went to warp.the ship went away. They had been attacked at every turn. The enemy used hit and run raids. There tactics was snal sustained attack overtime. Take a part of space and hold it. Then anex teratory near and just keep expanding. It had worked.
It was unnoticed at first. Then it became unavoidable.
“The ship held!”enginer Singh said.”of course it held Rajesh! I told you it would. Star fleet doubted my idea of leener leener. With the threat of the lightning,no one doubts me now!”argyile said.
“You really think that there is a paturn? “The Indian enginer told him.”I can’t see one. There has to be! Everything they have done has been part of an intricate plan. I can’t believe that they would just go random now. There is a plan,there has to be. “The enginer turned captain.
“Is it really necessary to figure out there paturn? Overwhelming force should surfice against the lightning.”sighn said. “Perhaps . I stil think we need to know there strategy. Something is going on. I can’t help but think we are being manipulated some how. “He said.
“Am ambush! There is no evidence of that! The engineering officer said. “I know. I stil think that it was going on. “Argyile said.
“Detecting incoming vessel. It is a lightning battle cruiser. ” the computer voice announced.
“Shields up! Red alert! Hear we go again!”the captain declared. The tactical officer lt.Ramos raised the shields. “Shields up! Weapons standing by!”the Hispanic officer said.
The argronaught got the first shot.the vessel fired a full volley of phasers and photon torpedoes.the volley struck the ship.
The warship fired back on the federation ship. The star ship hit back with a vegience.the ship had a lot of power in it.it used it.
The warship tried to drain the enemy power. The vessel fired a pod that detonated ans emitted a pulse that drained the ships energy.
“Shields holding but the shield intregrety is a bit down!”Ramos reported.
Bridge “what have you found?”Jack asked. “The ship was involved In a battle. Computor display last time sequence!”data ordered.
On the bridge of the vessel, they watched the bridge crew of three. They had overcome a series of ship.  The argonaught over came the ships.
Then a hole opened,a large dreadnaught came out.the large capital ship exploded. The explosion caused a rift In space.
“Then the explosion caused the rip in the space time continuum. “Ryker said.”why go to all this trouble to destroy one ship?”Deana asked.
Conference room.
“Mr. Data!”the captain said.”in thus reality at the urging of there commander argyile,star fleet went to smaller ships that rely on less crew. The access power created more powerful ships. It was misinterpreted by non alignedand enemy races. It created an arms race.a cold war developed. Then a mysterious race nicknamed The lightning began attacking the federation and nearby races. ” data said.
“The federation was forced to engage the ships. The argonaught was commanded by Mr. Argyile!”data said.”me becoming a command officer! It would never happen. “The enginer said.
“The argonaught was lured to the sector.they sacrificed ships to bring them there!”data said.
“This makes little since. The argonaught is impressive.it is such a threat that Warnents going to all thus trouble to destroy it?”the first officer asked.
“That is not the only issue!”lt. Yar reported. “The explosion ruptured the structural intregrety of the space Time continuum.right now it is smal. I am not sure it is contained.”word said.
“This region is already showing signs of instability. I believe it will increase. ” data said.
“This area should be quarantined. “Yar said.”we will have markers planted.I believe we should continue the investigation. “Jack said.
“There was nothing to indicate the purpose of the hostile s?”the enginer asked. “No the captains log indicate that he was confounded by the irrationality of the attacks. “The android reported.
“Is assume this phynomina is only ocuring hear?”heavily asked.”yes no other sector is affected. “Worf said.”I believe that that could change. It may take time even centuries.I believe this rupture Will expand!” data said .
” we can’t get a break ! We deal with the asana,furengi,trapped outside time,sentient trafficking, space orhism trying to kill me now this!”Jack said.
” it is never boring!” Bill the second in command said. ” no it’s not!”Jack said. The crew got up.
“I never thought my ship would cause so much trouble. “The enginer said.”you never know. Eve. A smal act can alter the flow if history. Had it not been for the rulture. This one would not have affected us.  Now it has!”Jack said.
“Hi wess!”the enginer said.”hi chief! “Wes said.” your not guming up my engines are you?”he asked.the teen smiled. “If course not commander!”he said.”good!”he said.
“So! Your ship got built in the orther  line?”Wes asked.”it seams it did. You know at the time,I was devastated. I really thought I had a great ship. The future of the fleet. Then I totally forgot about it.in the scheme of things,it was a major non event. It was a major event in another time line. It destroyed them!”argyile said.
” I understand you were a captain ?’ve asked. “Man.nothing esapes your attention. Arnt you supposed to discovering girls about now?” the enginer asked.
Wes laughed. “I looked into my doupleganger as it were, the creation of the argonaught made him or me a celebrity. Star fleet command insisted he command it . he did. Then not long into his command everything fell apart. “The engineering officer said.
“You have no plans to change carers?”we asked. “Engineering is my pasion Wesley.my job us to so what I love? How many can say that.I am chief enginer of the federation flagship. The pride of the fleet. I would hate to do anything else. I hope to do this until senility kicks in and maybe a little bit after that!”the chief said.
“This ship would not be The same without you. ” wes said.”what about you Wes. What do you love?” he asked. “I don’t know. I am busy  to know !”he said .”find out and persue it with all your might!” he admonished him. “I will!”Wesley said.
“Estimate ten minutes to the rupture at present course and speed!”gordi reported. “Steady as she goes helm!”Jack ordered. “Aye sir!”the blind helm officer said.
“Sir we have a perimeter alert!” Worf announced.”can you get a reading on it?”Jack asked.”it is the same type of vessel that engaged the argonaught in the orther reality!”yar said.
“Hail the vessel!”Jack ordered.”hailing frequencies open. No responce!”yar reported.”there weapons and screens are up!”the Klingon reported.
” what do they want with us?” bevily asked. ” I wish I knew !”Jack said.” sir? I Sense they ate agitated. Unerved. “Deana said. “At us?” the doctor asked. “No! Not us as a whole . it is chief argyile. They are terrified of him. I cannot figure out why!” Deana exclaimed.
End  of part four.
I am not sure how to portray Wesley. I can see Jack being torn on Wesley. On the one hand he would  Wes to follow in his footsteps. He would be sensitive to bev who would be afraid for Jim given the dangers with starship life.Wesley would probably feel that stugle. As I write wess journeys end is definitely In my mind.
Argyile is a fun character to write. Even though there is not much Canon information on him,you can see his personality in those few scenes.


episode 8

Mystery ship part three

“Captains log,we have discovered wreckage from what appears to be a federation ship. The odd thing is that there is no records of any federation starship being in this area. what is even more unusual is that the vessel is one that was never built so far as anyone is aware. ”
Use enterprise
Ready room.
“I am confused. This was a design you came out with. It was never built?”captain crushed said. ” that is correct !” argyile said.
“Please tell me more chief! “The captain ordered. ” of course. It was twenty years ago. I was assigned to star fleet engineering division of starship development. ”
“It was a crossroads of sorts for the federation. While at the time we were technically at a time of hostility with the Klingon empire. It was more informal then anything else. The federation and the Klingon had little or no interaction at the time .”
“The federation had returned to it’s roots. It was buisy exploring the unknown. The fleet was aging. Star fleet wanted a new fleet. ”
Star fleet command
Argyile was a lt. Jr grade. He was there with several orther  Jr officers.
“Alright people! Star fleet wants to expend our deep space probe of the galaxy. We want to continue to bodily go where no one has gone before. To do that we need a new generation of starship. We want you all to come up with designs for a new starship. We want your best idea !” admiral Iverson said.
“There were several of us who ‘re chosen to design a starship.this included some of the future stars of the fleet. We all worked hard.
“We want your very beat ideas. You could be shaping the future of star fleet. “Commander Anthony Haftel said.
“Orphil why do I think you have half a ship already in your mind?”a younger argyile asked. “I do. I assume you do too!”lt. Orphil qunqeros said. “Heck I have a whole ship in mind. “Argyile said. “I a not surprised !”he said.
“I spent mounths on it. Many a sleepless night. I was so excited to work on it. Ideas kept coming and coming. When I had completed the project, I was excited to present it to star fleet. ”
Star fleet command
The model was brought in. The table cloth was removed. “Ladies and gentleman I give you the u.s.s. Argonauts. The argonaught is eauped with a sansor array independent from all other sysisyom. The vessel is designed for long term exploration. The vessel will have a maximum warp speed of warp 9.2. The vessel only needs a crew of fithteen. The computer will control most ship’s syistoms. ”
“I have decided to model the ship after vessels before star fleet . the ship’s are striped down. There are few amenities. This will free up power consumption. This will alow us to cover more ground. ” argyile said.
“Why go striped down,why not go big?”commander haftel asked.”I believe I have gone big. This ship will be fast and efficient.”argyile said.
“I understand that lt but in a long mission, is not a crew entitled to some amenities?”admiral lesitor asked.
“Star fleet missin do require some sacrifice. It serves a greater good I believe. It will make history. Of that I have no doubt. “The chief enginer said.
They asked a few more questions. He really thought that they would love his idea. After the questions time he knew that they were not going to chose his.
His good friend lt. Qinceros did not fare much better with his idea either. His idea was a large vessel. It could be characterized as a dread naught. His ship did not have a crew. It was a living . totally contoled by a.I.
“Lt. Argyile we like your idea. It is very impressive. It is not what we are looking for.we are looking for a luxury liner in space. Basically a city ship. A place for families. We want to have the maximum amenity given the desired duration of such a mission. “The admiral said.
“The ship is impressive but it is just not what we are looking for this misson. “Commander haftel said.
“Lt Qinceros we really  liked your idea. We are looking at manned operations right now. Whoever we do want to use some of your designs and technology in our new starships that are about to come down are road!”admiral lesitor said.
“They chose a starship called the universe class .the vessel was designed to be big and glorias. The vessel went though several changes. The vessel would be eventually the galaxy class. ” the chief said.
“What happened to your ship design?”the captain asked. “My designs went into my private archives.  The one I submitted to Starfleet probably is in memory prime. “He said.
“Could an alien race have stolen the blue prints and built there own version of it?”rycer asked. “It seams far fetched but I gues it is possible. “The chief said.
The captain could tell when his first officer had an idea.he got very quet. He tended to stroke his celeb shaven face. “Sir! What if there was a reality in witch your design was accepted and became part of the fleet?”the first officer asked.
“Are you talking parallel universe Bill?”the engineer asked. “The possible world’s theory dates that if an event happened in one universe,there has to be one in witch the opposite occurred.we know alternate realities excite. The enterprise under captain Kirk encountered an alien named lazerous and his counterpart. Then there was the universe in witch the federation was an intergalactic empire. There may be more realities. This could be one of them.” the commander said.
“You really think that there is a universe that my ship was used in the fleet?”argyile asked. “If you believe the possible world’s theory  there would have to be. “Jack said.
“Alright let’s say there is a universe where the argonaught existed . How did it get hear?” the chief asked.
“The situation with the two Lazarus was caused by some kind of disturbance. The encounter with the mirror universe was caused by an ion storm. It could have been brought hear. “Bill said.
“I have heard that it has been said that there is a way to scan quantum signatures. “The captain said. “Yes I know the technique.”the chief said.
“Get with Mr. Data. Check the debris quntrum signature. If we can verify that it is from another reality. Then we can try to determine how it got hear!”Jack said.
“If it is from another reality. I wonder was it destroyed hear or in it’s reality of origin!”the chief asked.
“It could be an important question in all of this!”the captain said.
Jack emerged on the planet. He went over to where a team was. The team included the chief engineer and the android commander. “Sir! We have concluded the scan of the ship”s quantum signature. We have determined that it is from a separate reality. “Data reported.
“That explains that. Now we have one mystery solved. It has Springed  several more. ” Jack said.
” I want to scan the General vicinity for  any sign of an inter-dimensional  instability. I want to find the source of this incursion. I want the Debra brought to the ship. I want to get underway as soon as possible!” Jack ordered. The crew agreed.
End of part three.
Lt. Qinceros is the future commander Qinceros. He was the commander of the starbase in “100001” the episode with the bynars. He was played by gene dynansky who also appeared in tos episodes,”muds women”and “Mark of gideon “the name Orphil was not mentioned or air. It appeared in the star trek the next generation companion. They probably got it from the script.
Commander haftel is the future admiral haftel. He was seen in “the offspring ” he was played by Nicholas coaster best known for his role on the soap Santa Barbra. In the episode he commanded the daystorm annex.
The events of the original series are the same in this reality. All of the events are the same until the death
Of crusher or Picard in this case.

episode 8

“Mystery ship ” part two

“Captains log,while conducting a routine probe of an uncharted reigon,we have discovered the last thing we ever expected to. We have located what appears to be degree from a federation starship. No starships to my knowledge has ever been hear or near this area”Jack said.
“We are now in orbit!”lt. Gordi laforge announced. “Asuume standered orbit Mr.laforge !”Jack ordered.
The blind pilot who saw though a device called a visor took the ship into orbit. “Now in standard orbit captain!”He reported.
” captain! The planet is clas m,oxygen and nitrogen. “Data reported.
“Bill assemble an away team!”Jack instructed his seccond in command “aye sir! “Rycer said.the first officer got up from the chair in the command horse shoe. “Data,yar.Deana,gordi,worf with me.” the executive officer said. The officers mentioned got up . they followed the first officer. They headed to the turbo lift.
The commander taped on his communicator. “Rycer to engineering!”he said. “Go-ahead! “The chief said. “Chief prepare an engineering team. Have them meat me in transporter room two. “He said .”you got it commander!”the engineer said.
The first officer and the away team entered the turbo lift. They excited the bridge. The door closed.
The chief engineer called the Iner circle to the center of the room. “Ok Ravi you have command of the engineering section while I am gone! ” the chief said.
His number two was a bit surprised.”your going to the planet?” the Indian man said.”let’s see,debree from a federation ship in a remote area . an area never explored by the federation not even a probe. This could be a huge mystery. Yes I am definitely going to the surface. ” the chief said.
After that the asustent chief backed down. He Had learned the ques from The head of the engineering department. He knew when the chief had made up his mind. He knew when to back down. There was no way the chief was sitting on the side lines. Not this time.
“Alright! Schimota,Hudson. Bradford Donaldson and Townsend with me. “Argyile said. They followed the chief.
Transporter room.
The chief and his team entered.the first officer had a wide smirk on his face. The chief had learned that when the commander had a wide smile that a joke at your exspence was coming. It was always in good fun. Even if you did bot want to,you would laugh right along with it.
“Your stil hear! “Bill said. Argyile was a bit confused. “Excuse me?”the engineering officer asked. “I was under the impression that you could not excist outside engineering. I thought that you would disappear the moment you set foot outside . “the first officer said.
“Funy Bill!”he said in response. “Sir my records sate he is a human. His ability to excise outside engineering is not in qyestione. I have seen him multiple times in orther parts of the ship and off the ship. “Data said.
Deana starting laughing. Bill thought to himself about how he loved her laugh. Deana looked at him.he was a bit emberised. Sometimes he forget that she could read his thought. Even now it took him by surprise.
“Well this mystery is not going to solve itself. Lets do this!”the commander said. They went up to the transporter pad. “Read when you are sir!” transporter chief Ryder said. “Enerzize chief!” Bill said.
The chief activated the controls. The team were beamed off of the ship. They materialized on the surface.
“Ok fan out!”the baby faced commander said. The team moved around. There was debre everywhere.
The debre was the standard coller of a federation vessel. One of the peases had the delta style insignia with a circle.
“No doubt it’s star fleet !”data commented. “Or made to look star fleet!”gordi suggested. “Why would ant one fabricate debre?”The android said “it seams unlikely whoever nothing should be ruled in it or out at this point!”security chief yar remarked. “She is right everything is on the table until it can resonibly be dulled out. Data if you qoate Holmes so help me I will scoot you!”Bill said.
“Commander there is no need to resort to violence . if you wish me to refrane from making such a quotation all you need to do is ask!” data said. No one did not laugh at that.
“It is defineny some kind of plasma based weapon that brought this ship done!”worf said.
“I am detecting multiple plasma impacts.”yar reported. “I am detecting what could be evidence of an explosion from some kind of spacial charge. “Engineering officer Hudson said.
“The charges appear to predate the other impact!”the Klingon reported “so the ship was hit by a major impact from a charge. Then the ship was hit by plasma cannons or something similar. “Enginer Jim  schimota said. “A responsible hypothesis!”data said.
The team did visual anylises as well as recorder scans. Lt. Bradford saw call letters.
“Commander! I have something!”the female engineering officer said. The commander came over.
“Call letters, nx 4000.”she said. “Commander I am well versed In star fleet starships and there is no nx 4000 ever launched !”data said.
“I am well versed with federation starship history myself. An n x  notation denotes experimental starship. I think I would have heard of it. I know Mr. Data would have!”Bill said.
” you said nx 4000?”Argyile asked “yes sir!”Bradford said.”what is it chief,”Bill asked.”not sure yet commander. “He said.
The team looked at other wreckage. One of the team found another clue. “I have something.u.ss Argonauts. “Hudson said.
Aygyile was stunned.”no it can’t be?this is not possible! “The chief. Said. “What it is chief?” the first officer asked.
“The Argonauts was An idea I had. It never got off the drawing bored or the drawing pad in my case!”Argyile said. “What are you saying chiefs?”Bill asked. “I had an idea for a New design. I was bored so I designed the argonaught. I know how strange thus sounds.to my knowledge this ship never excited!” he said.
End of part two.
I have decided to have Rycer go by Bill in this reality. No real reason.just because it is different . Deana called him Bill in “naked now”and “haven” in some of the early poket book novels such as “ghost ship” .
Lt. Bradford is the female enginer In “home soul” to my knowledge she was never given a anime.Bradford is a name I came up with.
Jim schimota was assistant chief enginer in first hour long episode of tng “the naked now” he was played by Benjamin js Lund.
Hudson was an uncredited character seen in the background during the first two seasons. In the 1988 calender He was refered to as engineering officer Hudson. He was played by Dexter clay.
Townsend is a name I came up with. He is an engineer seen in “the child” he was played by dore Keller.
Ryder is the transporter chief seen in naked now,code of hournor,and haven. He was never given a name.he was played by Michael Ryder.

episode 8

“Mystery ship”

Previously on star trek the Jack crusher chronicles.
The q a mysterious race is confused as to why there is no time line where Jack crusher did not die on an away mission. The q created one.
In this reality,it was Jean luc Picard not Jack crusher was killed.crusher rose to the rank of captain. It was crusher who rose to command the u.s.s. enterprise.
The asana invades a seemingly unimportant planet in federation space. The federation pushed the asana out. They discovered a mysterious device on the planet.
And now tonight episode.
U.s.s enterprise
Lt.commander argyile the chief engineering officer always got up at 0300. He showered ,eat breakfast and read the news feed from the core of engineers with a cup of coffee.
This was a morning ritual for the enginer .he then got ready.he made sure to arrive in the engine room before his senior day staf arrived.
He greeted the night staf. He got a report from the night watch duty officer. He went to his office. He wished that he did not share the office with the night supervisor.the overnight supervisor rearranged his desk. He never clean up after his Sun flower seeds.
He liked to hang out in his office before his shift oficialy begun.he tried to be all ready to go when day watch began.
Then the day operation staf began to arrive. Then the shift change accrued. He called the Sr staf to huddle near the engines. “Ok people! Our mission is mostly a scientific research mission. The area is remote and planets are pree warp. What is argyile rule of starship missions? “He asked.
Assistant chief enginer Singh rose up to answer. “A routine scientific research mission always end in a space battle!”Singh said .”yes it does ! I want to prepare for a battle .I know it’s coming!”the chief said.
Then they got to work. Things went smoothly. The chief ran a tight ship but he was jovial as well. He was well liked and respected. They knew what to expect. He expected much but if you delivered you receive high praise if you did.
The day watch had taken over on the bridge as well. Lt. Commander data got right to work.he was at the science station. He scanned the area. After pain staking work he believed that he had found something.
He made sure. He checked and rechecked. More detailed scan revealed something  he never expected to find. He had the computer read an several times.
“Captain I believe I have found something of interest. Also quite a mystery. ” data said.
Captain crusher ,and commander Rycer got up from the command horse shoe and went to the aft part of the command center. “I have located matilic mass on the surface of am uninhabited planet.the aloys are consistent with star fleet construction materials. ” data said.
“That’s not possible! I thought this area has never been explored by star fleet?”lt. Gordi laforge remarked. “To my knowledge it has not! “Data answered. “You can confirm that it is a federation starship ?”rycer asked. “Yes commander I can. It is a federation vessel!”the android commander informed the first officer.
“We have a mystery on our hands!”Deana troy said.”indeed we do counselor. I don’t sapose you can Spence an physical echo from the crew?”Jack asked. “No that is not how my abilities work.” Deana told him. “I see!”he said.
“Can you determine the cause of the crash?”rycer asked.”I am detecting evidence of plasma biased weapons! It isd similar to Romulan design but is different. I think that we can rule out the Romulan.”data said.
“I think we need to probe it further ?”Jack suggested. “I have no objections captain!”Bill said. “Mr .laforge take us to the planet!” Jack ordered.  Enterprise headed to the planet.
End of the prologue .
Chief engineer argyile only appeared in two episodes. “Where no one has gone before ” and”datalore” his air time was fairly limited. That is not a lot of information on him. He was played by buf Yeager.
Asistent chief enginer Singh appeared in “lonely amount us” in that episode he was killed. Sense this is a different reality he need not necessarily endure that same fate.
